AutoWin proudly presents an exploration into the iconic Ferrari 512 TR, a testament to Ferrari's timeless passion for excellence. Between 1992 and 1994, this model demonstrated an unwavering commitment to high performance and exclusive design. Let's take a closer look at its history, intricate parts, and custom accessories, focusing on the transformative impact of floor mats.


Embarking on the Journey: The Ferrari 512 TR's History


The Ferrari 512 TR, with its two-year production span, is a gem of automotive history. Its very name encapsulates the power under the hood: '512' signifies the 5.0-liter, 12-cylinder engine, while 'TR' stands for Testarossa, an iconic Ferrari marque, confirming that yes, the Ferrari 512 TR is indeed a Testarossa.

Ferrari 512 TR, 1994 year, Autowin blogpost


Unveiling the Worth: The Market Value of the Ferrari 512 TR


As a rare and unique model, the Ferrari 512 TR's worth has always been intriguing. Pricing varies based on factors such as condition, mileage, and rarity. The value it holds, though, transcends mere monetary considerations. For many, the Ferrari 512 TR represents an exclusive piece of Ferrari's rich legacy.


Power Unleashed: The 1992 Ferrari 512 TR's Engine


In 1992, the Ferrari 512 TR debuted with a commanding 4.9L flat-12 engine. This powertrain churned out an impressive 428 horsepower, a testament to Ferrari's engineering prowess and dedication to performance. The unmistakable roar of its engine remains a hallmark of this iconic model.


Production Prowess: How Many Ferrari 512 TRs Were Crafted?


The Ferrari 512 TR's production spanned from 1992 to 1994. During these years, a limited number of models were produced, each crafted with meticulous attention to detail. Although the exact number remains under wraps, the scarcity of the Ferrari 512 TR adds to its allure and demand among collectors and Ferrari enthusiasts.


  • The production run of the Ferrari 512 TR spanned from 1992 to 1994.
  • During this period, the Maranello-based company manufactured approximately 2,280 units.
  • The relatively low production number contributes to the model's current status as a prized collector's item.
  • As for the exact number of Ferrari 512 TRs remaining today, it would be challenging to provide an accurate count due to factors like private ownership, global distribution, and varying states of preservation.
  • However, the 512 TR's enduring allure in the high-end car market suggests a significant number of these exquisite machines have been well-preserved by enthusiasts and collectors worldwide.


Accessories That Speak Volumes: The Role of Floor Mats in the Ferrari 512 TR


An often-overlooked accessory, the floor mat, significantly contributes to maintaining the Ferrari 512 TR's luxurious interior. They protect the flooring from wear, add a layer of comfort, and contribute to the overall aesthetic of the car. At AutoWin, we offer a range of floor mats tailored specifically for the Ferrari 512 TR, allowing owners to enhance the car's interior while preserving its value.

Red Floor Mats For Ferrari 512 TR 1992-1994


AutoWin e-shop: Your Reliable Source for Ferrari 512 TR Accessories


Looking to accessorize your Ferrari 512 TR? Look no further than the AutoWin e-shop. We cater to Ferrari owners who desire quality, fitting, and aesthetics in their accessories. Our selection of floor mats, designed exclusively for the Ferrari 512 TR, adds a level of sophistication to your car's interior that matches its iconic status.


The Ferrari 512 TR(1992-1994), while no longer in production, continues to captivate hearts and minds. Its blend of high performance, unique design, and exclusivity make it a cherished model among car enthusiasts. Whether you own one or aspire to, understanding its history, parts, and accessories deepens your appreciation for this automotive masterpiece. At AutoWin, we're here to ensure your Ferrari 512 TR ownership experience is as exceptional as the car itself.

Floor Mats For Ferrari 512 TR 1992-1994 AutoWin Brand Italian Edition

Emilija Ku